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The new recruiting

Written by Dieter

The new recruiting

Today, we can no longer imagine a life without the digital revolution. The digital revolution has an impact on everything in our daily lives. So it does on recruitment. Back in the old days, a company had the choice between stacks of CVs. Today this is completely different. The candidates themselves choose a company that suits them perfectly. Now, more than ever, it is the time for companies to profile themselves as the company people want to work for. Employer branding is very important. A new era of recruitment has arrived. In this article you can discover five steps that make a difference.

Step 1: an exciting vacancy

Most vacancies are written with the necessary cutting and pasting. Old vacancies are often copied over and over again. This way, all the important elements remain in place, but they are usually not very sexy.


So it is important that you, as a company, write an exciting and sexy vacancy. When you write a vacancy you have to keep the candidate in mind. Think about what role he or she will have to fulfil and what his or her expectations may be. Another important point is to mention your company's philosophy. 


The purpose of the vacancy is to attract the right candidates. A candidate who perfectly fits your company and the company culture. They should feel like applying immediately. 


Step 2: do employer branding

At the moment we live in an era where there is a 'war for talent'. Candidates choose for themselves where they want to work. So make a clear message, tell them who you are! 


Candidates look for companies whose corporate culture is in line with their own beliefs. Therefore it is more important than ever to define your employer branding. Communicate to future employees what kind of company you are and be this company as well. An employer brand doesn't work if you don't mean it. It is important to reinforce your story by using fun photos and company videos. 


Step 3: advertise where your candidates are

Fewer and fewer candidates are looking for a suitable vacancy through classic job sites. Recruiters need to get the mindset of a marketer. They have to actively search the candidates themselves. Think where you can find the potential candidates, on what kind of social media, forums, etc... 


Once you have all this information, you can start presenting your vacancies. If the candidate is convinced of you as an employer, the responses will come automatically. 


Target advertising will become the new standard. Do not only use the classic channels, also think about LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to find the right candidate. 


Step 4: don't let candidates wait for too long

We live in a time of 'never not online' and 'instant gratification'. Candidates expect a response faster than ever. It is no longer of this time to leave candidates in ignorance about their application, and certainly not to not let them hear from you for a longer period of time. 


In the new recruitment process, it is important to respond to the applicant as quickly as possible. Even if it was just a confirmation email or some feedback. 


Step 5: onboarding

This step actually only occurs after the contract has been signed, but it is certainly not less important. Many companies put a lot of effort into their image and set the expectations of a candidate high. Once the candidate starts working, he or she is often left to their fate. Here you create the danger that the candidate starts to doubt: " did I make a good choice?


Make sure that the first working day of the new employee is well prepared. This way, you will immediately meet the right expectations. Put the candidate at ease and immediately give him a good feeling.


And now it's up to you! Try it for yourselves! Let's get this straight

  • Make it clear who you are as a company. Create your employer brand 
  • Write a clear, attractive vacancy
  • Advertise where your candidates are, on as many relevant channels as possible.
  • Don't let your candidates wait unnecessarily long
  • Prepare everything so that the first working day goes perfectly