What does Jobtoolz cost?

Select how many vacancies you currently have active. You can always adjust your license according to the growth of your company.

Monthly invoiced Yearly invoiced (10% off)

Included in each plan

All features for everyone
Our prices depend on the number of job openings you have. A small company receives the same features as a large multinational.
Personal priority support
Real people who won’t keep you waiting on hold for half an hour with annoying music in the background.
Unlimited number of users
You do not pay per user. The more people involved in the process, the better the chance of choosing the right person!
Unlimited number of candidates
No restriction on the number of applications you can receive. We do not use data limits.

We would be happy to assist you further.

What happens at the end of my trial period?

After the expiration of your trial period, we will personally contact you to help you get started with one of our plans.

Can I test Jobtoolz for free?

Jobtoolz can be tested completely free of charge by creating a trial account.

What happens at the end of my billing period?

At the end of your billing period the agreement is automatically renewed, we do not simply close your account.

Which features are included in my plan?

We use a flat price structure. Everyone is given access to all features.

More questions about our subscriptions ?

Take contact with us and we'll help you as soon as possible !