For staffing agencies
For staffing agencies

Free access for extern offices

The external partners get free access to a specific platform where they can see an overview of all the open jobs of their Jobtoolz customers.

View vacancies shared with your office

A staffing agency can see at a glance which vacancies their Jobtoolz customers have shared with them. There you can also find all the info about the vacancy.

Introduce candidates smoothly

On all shared vacancies, the office can easily suggest candidates. You will also get an overview of all candidates already proposed.

Track the status of proposed candidates

The office can easily see what status a proposed candidate has with each job posting. This allows the office to see if a candidate has been accepted, rejected or is in process. 

Recruitment marketing

Recruitment marketing

Do you have problems in the war for talent? Request a vacancy video in just a few clicks, which will be boosted via your social media channels. The marketplace offers you help in finding the right talent. 
Jobsite editor

Jobsite editor

Create your own beautiful employer branding site using the intuitive live editor. Present yourself as a top employer & publish a vacancy online in your house style in just a few clicks.