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Social media in your recruitment process

Written by Zahera

Social media in your recruitment process

Recruiting through social media is no longer a new trend. Nowadays, it is even one of the most used talent acquisition tactics to find the perfect candidate. So it makes more sense than ever to use social media channels to attract new candidates and ultimately to onboard them. In this blog we will give you a sneak peek on how you can use social media to boost your recruitment process. 🚀

Social media recruitment defined

Social recruiting or social media recruitment is a method that recruiters and other HR professionals use to find their ideal candidate through social media. Sometimes one speaks of social hiring or social recruitment.


Social media does not only contribute to recruitment processes, but also to employer branding of various companies. Logical, right? Because such channels give employers the opportunity to show how the company is doing. Think of nice team photos, videos of employees ... It puts, as it were, your company culture and value propositions in the spotlight!


More and more people are avid social media users, which is why social media recruitment is becoming increasingly popular with HR professionals. Not surprising when you know that three quarters of employees between the ages of 18 and 24 found their current job through social media.


Why social media recruitment increases your intake

For some employers, social media is the biggest source of new quality candidates. All because HR professionals use social media to better approach their target group and reach more people. So don't hesitate anymore if you are thinking of recruiting via social media, just do it!


Implementing social media will only benefit your recruitment process, and this is why:


  1. You reach passive job seekers 
    Passive job seekers are people who are not actively looking for work, but who would consider another job or a better offer. This is therefore the largest group you reach with social media recruitment. There are many more passive jobseekers than active ones, but you also have to reach the active ones. Believe it or not, it is also through social media recruitment that you reach them.
  2. You will find more and better candidates 
    By reaching both groups of jobseekers, you will yield the best candidates for you as an employer. According to one study, 59% of recruiters rated candidates who came in via social media as quality candidates. Advertising your vacancies on social media enables you to approach specific target groups and find candidates who are the perfect match for your company. By targeting people with specific knowledge, skills, experience and seniority, you as an HR professional will eliminate irrelevant applications and thus see more applicants come in with the perfect organisation-fit!
  3. You work time-efficiently and reduce the cost per hire
    You know the full cost of a strong and well thought-out recruitment process. Well, thanks to social media recruitment your recruitment process remains strong and well thought-out, but it goes a lot faster and the cost per hire drops significantly. Who wouldn't want that? 😍
  4. You show who you are with your employer brand
    You know better than anyone that in most cases potential candidates always research your company. So social media recruitment is not only good for your recruitment process, but also for your employer branding. So show who you are as a company, what the atmosphere is like and what you do by posting photos and videos. In short: make sure potential candidates want to work for you.
  5. You put your employees in the spotlight 
    Your employees are the most important stakeholders in your company, and therefore also for your social media recruitment strategy. Because what they can do, nobody else can do. Not only do they reach more people by sharing the organisation's socials, they are also the face of your organisation. Potential candidates simply prefer to see authentic and honest stories from employees themselves.


Once you've found the lid on your social media recruitment potion and apply these five words of wisdom, your social media recruitment process will be given a huge boost, allowing you to find even more and better candidates. Believe it!