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The 4 recruitment trends of 2021

Written by Jochen

The 4 recruitment trends of 2021

The business world is evolving at lightning speed, and certainly in the current era where digital working stands central. This also applies to the recruitment sector. 2021 has been underway for several months now, so it's time to sum up the recruitment trends of the current year. After reading this article you will be fully aware of all the novelties and trends.

1. Remote work

Logically I hear you think. In 2020 it was the norm to work from home, but this will be the year where employees expect to be able to do remote work. Indeed, many individuals miss working in the office and there are some great benefits from working in the same room. Nevertheless, companies have proven that they can continue their core business and do an excellent job regardless of the place of work. Once social contact with colleagues will be allowed, employees will therefore expect a greater degree of flexibility. And of course, the possibility of remote work is an important factor in choosing our future job. We highly recommend it if you want to recruit talent.


2. AI & Automation

Many companies are getting acquainted with automation, but this will be the year in which automation will take over the recruitment process. Even if only for a reduction in costs, to improve your employer brand or to increase your efficiency. There are countless ways in which automation can take your company to the next level. Automation is often linked to the dismissal of employees, but nothing could be further from the truth. Rather, it will help them do their job more efficiently and allow them to focus on really important tasks. AI and automation are therefore a must-have in 2021!


3. Retention

Last year was one with many difficulties, where companies had to be creative with the available budget. The last thing you need is extra costs. That is precisely why retention is an important factor to take into account. You ensure that your best employees do not run away to another challenge. This way you do not have to pay extra and unnecessary costs to spend on seeking out new talent. Especially when the recruitment process is not optimized, the costs can be increased.

But how do you ensure that your best workers do not run away? By listening to your employees and asking how their work experience can be improved. Make sure their voices are heard and it will give you grateful employees and save you a lot of money! A win-win situation, isn't it?


4. Remote recruiting

That many people are not happy with the idea that online recruiting will not disappear soon, will not surprise anyone. But remote recruiting does have several significant advantages. It will save you a lot of time and resources. Besides, it allows you to address a wider group of candidates around the world. This does not mean that no more physical interviews will take place, but it does at a later stage of the recruitment process. Obviously that this trend will not disappear any time soon so get used to the idea😉, want remote recruiting is in!


How can we help you?

Through our all-in-one recruitment platform, you can set up a TOP employer branding site! Here you can put your trump cards as an employer, such as the possibility of remote work, on the table through a creative and attractive platform. Also, the entire recruitment process is automated, allowing your employees to focus on other important tasks. We will create a demo of your employer branding site, completely free of charge! Schedule your demo below, and we will go over that example in a short video call. :-)