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Do you suffer from monday blues?

Written by Jochen

Do you suffer from monday blues?

One out of ten Belgians feels bad about his job every day. Often the unhappy feeling starts as early as Sunday evening. A study by HR service provider Agilitas shows that more than half of Belgians feel bad at work.

Sunday night, 9:00 p.m. You've just had a nice weekend and then the realisation, tomorrow it's Monday, back to work. Hello Monday Blues. More than 25% of Belgians have a bad feeling on Sunday night, once they arrive at work this feeling only gets worse.


The most common reasons for this feeling are a lack of appreciation, tight deadlines, stress at work or a poor work-life balance. Remarkably, more than 70% of the employees who experience this unhappy feeling do not take any action.


It is important that you, as a company, do your utmost to create a pleasant corporate culture where everyone feels appreciated. Create a culture where you appeal to the talents of your employees and encourage warm relationships between colleagues. When you invest in a pleasant working atmosphere, employees come up with creative ideas more often and there is less turnover. But how do you create a pleasant working atmosphere? We will already prepare an action plan.

  1. Appreciation
    Regularly sit down with employees and discuss their careers and possible further steps. This is the perfect moment to give your employees the necessary appreciation. Also super motivated employees will lose courage every now and then and start to doubt. Give them a compliment on their performance but at the same time take a look at their wishes for training.
  2. Flexible work schedule
    Everyone wants to make the most out of their hours and be productive. Respond to this by drawing up a flexible work schedule. Do you know that a colleague is always stuck in traffic for hours when he/she has to be at the office at 8.30 a.m.? Adjust the schedule a bit, whether or not in combination with working from home.
  3. Team activities
    Teamwork makes the dream work. Provide fun team activities, a moment of relaxation. During these activities the bonds with colleagues can become stronger. Form one team together.
  4. Organize regular team meetings
    Feedback is the key! Organize occasional moments with the team to see how everything is going. This way you can find out faster if there are any problems within the group.
  5. Approach about satisfaction
    You can adapt various things to increase employee satisfaction, but also dare to ask about it. Take a survey, for example, or ask during a personal follow-up interview. This will help you to anticipate better if something goes wrong.


We are already convinced that this way you can say bye to the monday blues and make it a top week together with your employees!