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An extremely solid employer brand, how do you get started?

Written by Arne

An extremely solid employer brand, how do you get started?

You can hear it everywhere, even with us: "a strong employer brand is extremely important". That all sounds so simple, but how do you get started? What is the first step to give your employer brand a positive boost? Aha, now it's really getting to the point! The very first step is to clearly define your employer brand. How? Read along…

Talk to your employees & learn from them

First of all, it is crucial to have a perfect understanding of your distinguishing factor as an employer. There are undoubtedly already a number of aspects that you can think of yourself. But, are these also the aspects that your employees spontaneously think about? Perhaps they are. Maybe not at all. 


Use a bottom-up method for this. So just talk to your employees. By asking them a number of specific questions you can get a lot further. It's usually in the 'small' things that seem obvious to you as an employer. From teambuildings to the possibility of showering at work, a weekly fruit basket, and so on.


So, what exactly do you have to ask your employees? I'll give you some examples here:


  • If there is one aspect that you may mention as the reason why you like to do your job, what is it?
  • How would you describe the atmosphere within our company in 3 key words?
  • Why do you come to work with a smile every day?
  • When you started working here, what was a positive surprise for you?


The next steps

There, now you have an insight into your key employee benefits. What's next? There are still a number of aspects that you need to identify now. This way you immediately have a visual image of your employer brand. I'll list a few more for you:

  • Who are you? What's your identity?
  • What do you offer?
  • ‘Reason to believe’
  • ….


This is not an easy, but very important exercise that you have to do internally. Do you find it difficult to get started? No problem! We really want to help you. 


Completely free of charge we will make an example of your future jobsite. Book a short videocall in our calendar below and we will be happy to show you your personal example!