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Recruit efficiently, recruit proactively!

Written by Zahera

Recruit efficiently, recruit proactively!

Ah, the recruitment process! What approach does your company take? Does a vacancy arise first and does your team then go to work to find the perfect fit? A logical reasoning that you should certainly not be ashamed of (😉 ), because more than 60% of the recruitment processes are still conducted in that way, the reactive way. Luckily, today we come up with the solution to spice up your process: welcome to the age of proactive recruitment. 🚀

Old, but not gold

Let's put it bluntly: a few years ago, recruitment was simply about filling vacancies. Quickly posting vacancies on various job boards and waiting... And that is exactly what you should not do. Passive or reactive recruitment only works if the objective is specifically targeted - which it usually is not.


Adopt a proactive attitude

A wait-and-see attitude often makes recruiters miss the ball. Such an attitude no longer works when looking for the ideal candidate for that hard-to-fill vacancy. Proactive recruiting has become an essential concept in the world of recruitment. So don't wait for candidates to come to you, but actively look for 'the one' yourself.


HR professionals should be constantly looking for the perfect fit for their company - regardless of a specific vacancy. So always recruit proactively, it is the key to a stable and constant inflow of candidates. Take it from us, looking or not, you are always on the lookout for top talent.


Different ways to recruit proactively

It all starts with keeping an eye on constant vacancies online, or vacancies that are coming up. Then you start sourcing based on a candidate persona that describes your ideal employee. This is basically a reflection of the people you already have in your company and who you want in your company. It goes beyond hard skills such as education or work experience, but rather includes interests, hobbies, demographic factors ... Soon you get an idea how and where to find the ideal candidate.


When you find a number of potential top candidates during sourcing, it is important to arouse their interest in your company. So you build up a relationship with the candidates in your talent pool so they don't forget you; send them an email, give them a call and let them follow you on social media. All of which benefits your employer branding as well.


Two birds with one stone! So download our 'whitepaper: How do I generate more inflow' and learn everything about how efficient your recruitment process really can be.


Active sourcing thanks to employer branding

A dazzling work-for-hire site, strong organic content and brilliant social media posts are the success factors for your employer branding. And that works wonders for proactive recruitment.


In recent years artifical intelligence has gradually made its appearance in the world of recruitment. Automation of the sourcing process during proactive recruitment increases the reach, speeds up or replaces time-consuming tasks and sends personalised messages to candidates in talent pools to increase engagement. What more could you ask for? 😍


Proactive recruiting at its best

Whether you opt for automation or not (yet), proactive recruitment is the best investment you can make as a company, here's why:


  • Shorter time to hire
    The time to hire shifts from after a vacancy becomes available, to well before it becomes available.
  • No loss of productivity with unfilled vacancies
    Once you have started with proactive recruitment, you will link a candidate much faster and easier to the - for them - right job. No more lengthy application procedures!
  • Take control of the process
    With your proactive approach you find people who meet all the requirements of the candidate persona and you don't have to wait for them to find you. Woohoo!
  • More personalized
    Every good relationship starts with a personal message, but leave tinder behind 😉 Because your recruitment process starts way before the job posting, your relationship with potential candidates is much longer and more intense.
  • Most Suitable Candidates
    Because the proactive recruitment process is spread out over a longer period of time, you recruit without haste or time pressure, which ensures more quality candidates. And just like in every relationship, yes, also in the recruitment match: the longer you know each other, the better you know if you fit together.


All these advantages speak for themselves: there is only one way to attract top candidates and that is proactive recruitment! By constantly looking for new talent, you save time at every stage of the recruitment landscape, fill your talent pools with candidates that fit your company and increase the quality of onboarding. One thing we know for sure: before this blog, you were just filling vacancies, now you're filling ponds with talent. 🤝 🚀


Wondering how to streamline your entire recruitment process according to the rules of the game? Download our 'whitepaper: How do I generate more inflow?" and get to work quickly, efficiently and with confidence!