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Work on your employer brand now!

Written by Arne

Work on your employer brand now!

Your reputation as an employer is crucial to attracting the right people. In professional jargon we call the efforts you make as a company to position your employer brand even better as Employer Branding. Companies that are now properly shaping their employer brand will also reap the benefits when we go back to a more “normal” period and the war for talent erupts completely. This article explains what employer branding can mean for your company and gives some practical tips to get started quickly.

Boost your employer image

Employer Branding refers to your reputation as an employer, both externally, on the labour market and internally with your own employees. Even with those who leave your company.

It is therefore important to leave a positive impression on all these parties and make adjustments where necessary. This ensures that you find the right profiles for your organization, that they enjoy working there and even become ambassadors.

What makes your company unique?

To market your company as an attractive employer, you must first look for what typifies your corporate culture. This unique asset is called the Employer Value Proposition (EVP).

You may not be aware of it at the moment, but every company - including yours - has a unique asset. It is a matter of discovering these and then playing them extensively.  

If you find it difficult to determine your EVP yourself or to promote your assets, Jobtoolz can certainly help you with that. You can find all the tools to boost your employer brand on our marketplace.

Fair is the best policy

To efficiently promote your employer brand, you must be honest. You can still promise candidates so much, if you can't deliver, they will very quickly leave your company, which that is a waste of the time and resources you invest in it.

Be specific in your vacancies and state things as they are. Provide a detailed overview of the salary package and extensively describe what you do to promote happiness at work and team spirit. 

Quick wins for your employer brand

Once you know what makes your corporate culture unique, you can get started. We list a few things you can get started with quickly:

  • Rewrite your open vacancies. View these critically and adjust where necessary. Perhaps consult your own employees and ask why they chose your company at the time. You can process this information in your job offer. 
    In a previous article, by the way, we gave some tips to boost your vacancies.
  • Start with a career website where potential candidates can not only find your vacancies, apply quickly, but also soak up the atmosphere.

    No budget for a complete employer website? No worries! With's employer branding platform, for Jobtoolzexample, you have an attractive career page in no time. 
  • Encourage your employees to be ambassadors for your company. They can best tell you why they enjoy working in your company. Make nice testimonial videos that you use in your communication, encourage employees to like and share your posts on social media, ...
  • Let your current employees know regularly that you think about them and appreciate them, especially in this period where we mainly working from home. Send us a handwritten card, a small gift, zoom for a virtual coffee chat, ... All reasons are good to keep the contact warm.