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The most remarkable HR trends in 2021

Written by Arne

The most remarkable HR trends in 2021

The HR landscape was shaken to its foundations in 2020 and, due to corona, our economy and labor market also took a beating. However, this turbulent period also presented a number of opportunities that will determine HR developments in the coming year. Now that we can start dreaming of the "new normal" again, the labor market is in full swing and the "war for talent" keeps going unabated.  A challenge for every HR professional and manager to keep up and follow the trends closely. Jobtoolz spotted 3 important HR trends this year that we would like to share with you.

Full on digitalization

Whereas before March 2020, working from home was the exception, it has now become the norm. No one is surprised anymore by digital meetings, webinars and online job applications. Even onboarding new employees is now done virtually.


HR staff had to reinvent themselves regularly over the past year and this digital revolution has prompted many companies to digitize their HR processes. These efforts will certainly bear fruit, as recent research by the FPS Economy shows that almost half of all Belgians (44%) also intend to continue teleworking in the future, which means that digitalization will continue even further.


The intuitive all-in-one recruitment platform of Jobtoolz fits seamlessly with this trend and automates various repetitive and administrative tasks within your recruitment process.


More need for connection

Working from home brings a number of advantages, such as less traffic jams, flexible working hours and less absenteeism. Yet you hear more and more the term team-out popping up. This is the loss of the good bond with your team and colleagues, leaving you in a kind of isolation.


Video calls can fill the need for connection to some extent, but no digital contact replaces real, physical contact in the office. And that leads to stress and lack of motivation, among other things, in some employees.


Working remotely therefore requires adapted HR processes to support just those people who are struggling. Regularly put informal activities, team check-ups, etc. on the HR agenda and let employees know that you are thinking of them with a card, a small token or a spontaneous telephone call.


Employer branding: now more important than ever

Attracting the right people to your organization has always been crucial, but it is gaining even more importance. Companies that tackle their employer brand or corporate image well, now will reap the rewards when we return to more normal times.  For example, why not invest now in a ‘recruitment' site on which you not only post your vacancies but also extensively highlight your strengths? With the employer branding platform of Jobtoolz you will have a beautiful website in no time, which will certainly make you stand out as an employer.


Be aware that labour mobility will peak after the corona crisis. Many people still remain loyal to their employer in this period of uncertainty. But when the economy revives, people will start looking outside the company walls and the "war for talent" will erupt in all its fury.


Take a look at the Jobtoolz marketplace and discover how we can support you as an HR professional in attracting the right people.