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4 tips for recruiting more and better candidates

Written by Arne

4 tips for recruiting more and better candidates

In recent years, many companies have found it difficult to fill vacancies with talent. Candidates want to be convinced by the employer and the project, and that is where the shoe pinches. In the recruitment process, there is often insufficient attention paid to topics that really matter to top candidates. Fortunately, we know what applicants consider important. After reading this article, no top candidate will slip through your fingers.

Reassure the candidate

It often happens that candidates are scared stiff from the nerves during a job interview. They therefore find it important that you put them at ease. You can do this by offering them a drink or by introducing yourself and the company. Making a silly joke now and then can also be an ideal icebreaker. Not only do you score points with the candidate, but you also allow him to be himself. That is very important to obtain a realistic picture of the candidate. A win-win situation!


Do not keep the candidate on a leash

Rejecting candidates is part of the job, but what is the best way to do it? Don’t just tell the reason why the candidate was rejected. This is often perceived as a lame and cheap excuse about why he or she was not hired, and that causes frustration. Nothing is more damaging to a company than negative word-of-mouth. Instead, it is important to advise on what they can improve on their next application. In this way, you help the candidate and he keeps a positive image of your company because you never know what the future holds. Who knows, he might go to work for a potential customer and then you will already have an advantage! Or maybe he will talk to friends who are potential candidates for the vacancy. 😉


The crucial point

What is the decisive factor for candidates? Well, the company culture it seems. A total of 93% of the applicants consider the company culture of the future employer important or very important. They focus themselves on the following parts in particular: 

  • Company vision on harmony between work-private matters
  • Respect for personal matters in the workplace
  • Atmosphere among colleagues
  • Style of communication


Well, now you know what applicants focus on, but how exactly do they conclude the company culture?


  • 75% of the candidates look at the behavior of the person who has to conduct the interview.
  • 54% draw conclusions based on their communication with the HR department
  • 52% look at the content and layout of the vacancy.


It is therefore clear that the company culture is the biggest stumbling block when it comes to recruiting the ideal candidate. Everyone wants to work for a company that has a company culture that fits them like a glove. 

PS: we didn’t just find these figures out, Stepstone concluded this result after a survey of more than 5900 Belgian employees and jobseekers.


The ultimate tip

With our all-in-one recruitment platform, you can create a TOP employer branding site! You can present the company culture creatively and attractively and you have the option of sending automated e-mails, making the recruitment process a breeze. We will create a sample of your company’s employer branding site for free! Schedule your demo below and we’ll go over that example in a short video call. 😊