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Get the most out of your online job fair participation

Written by Arne

Get the most out of your online job fair participation

Online job fairs are booming and as an employer you can't stay behind. Last year, the first digital job events were sometimes still a bit of a trial and error and both employers and candidates were afraid of them. But the last few months digital events have been fully adopted and we are familiar with this new way of recruiting. Jobtoolz gives you 5 essential tips to make your online job fair participation pay off.

Tip 1: Prepare well!

If you are registered for an online job fair, make sure you have a professional virtual fair stand. Because just like at a physical job fair, candidates must be convinced to apply for a job with your company.

A virtual fair stand is actually a web page on which you place as much information as possible about your company and on which job seekers can register to talk to their potential employer via (video) chat. Don't limit yourself to pure company info on this page, but play up all your strengths and link to your employer branding website for more information. 


Make your virtual stand personal too. At a physical trade fair, don't you also put on your best smile to welcome candidates to your stand? So use accessible language and react quickly when candidates show interest.


Tip 2: Be proactive

Of course you can wait until a candidate applies, but the advantage of a virtual job fair is that you can already browse through all the job seekers who have registered for the fair.

This way you can look for those profiles that best fit your vacancies and company culture and invite them for an online interview.


Tip 3: Man your booth with enough people

Maybe you think you can handle an online job fair on your own. Nothing is less true! Make sure you have at least 3 colleagues on standby during the event:

  • One colleague to take care of the planned interviews
  • One colleague to take care of the spontaneous applications
  • One colleague to proactively search through the list of candidates


Also, set aside enough time for each online job interview so that you can get acquainted at your leisure and there is plenty of room to ask questions.


Tip 4: Present yourself with a broad job offer


We advise you not to advertise one specific vacancy on your virtual fair stand but rather a general vacancy that will attract a larger influx or a wide range of jobs.


The more applicants are interested in your company, the more chance you have of finding the right candidate.


So does this mean you have to engage in a video chat with everyone? No, feel free to set certain application requirements, just as you would in a written job posting. If candidates need to have at least a few years of experience, have obtained a certain diploma or speak five languages fluently, mention this. This way you will be much more targeted.


Tip 5: Invest in the right equipment


During a video chat, the right technology and setting are important.  Choose a room with a good Internet connection where you can also conduct the digital job interviews without being disturbed. Test your camera and microphone extensively beforehand so that everything runs smoothly. On Zoom, for example, you can also set a background with your company logo and in the right company colors. This completes the experience.


Convinced to participate in an online job fair? At Jobtoolz we are here to help you with the application process, but also to set up your work at-home site.