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SEO | 5 Tips to improve the findability of your employer branding site on Google

Written by Arne

SEO | 5 Tips to improve the findability of your employer branding site on Google

The SEO of your jobsite is partly in our hands, but mostly in your hands. This is what we provide & what you can still do in terms of SEO optimizations for your jobsite.

Our part in this:

Jobtoolz is programmed to meet all the basic requirements of SEO. In our code, all HTML tags are used correctly, which is a sign of trust for Google.


Your part in this: 

The biggest part of optimizing your findability on Google is in your hands. Do you really want to do it right? Then it's best to start with a 'keyword research'. What are the words that are 'hot' for your target group? Then you can continue...


First of all, you can fill in the necessary metadata in the settings of the app. Here you fill in a title and description, which are used by search engines & social media. Of course you also do this SEO-proof. So make sure that important keywords are in the title.


Secondly, it is very important that you keep an SEO mindset in mind in all texts that are published on your jobsite. 

  • Use the important words on which you want to be found in the titles on your jobsite, or in your vacancy.
  • Make sure those titles are clear.
  • In the regular text too, use the words your target group uses as much as possible.


Thirdly, we strongly recommend you to use your own domain for your jobsite., for example, is immediately clear to search engines like Google. You can read how to do that here


Fourth tip: make sure the title of every vacancy is short and clear. Make sure that the slug contains the most important keyword from that job title.

(e.g.: manager). 


Last tip: Try to do as much link building as possible. In other words, make sure that authoritarian sites link to your jobsite.

Be inventive in this!